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The StargateAdapter is an abstract contract that is inherited to provide functions required by the SushiXSwap contract to interact with the Stargate Bridge.

The full contract can be found here here.

Read-Only Functions

State-Changing Functions


function _stargateTeleport(
StargateTeleportParams memory params,
uint8[] memory actions,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes[] memory datas
) internal;

This function is used to bridge tokens to a destination chain using the Stargate Router. It requires a params struct which contains various parameters like the destination chain ID, the token to be bridged, the source and destination pool IDs, the amount to be bridged, the minimum amount to be bridged, the native token to be received on the destination chain, the receiver's address, and extra gas for operations on the destination chain.

The actions array contains a sequence of actions to be executed, and values and datas arrays are one-to-one mapped to actions. The values array contains the native token amount to send along with each action, and the datas array contains ABI encoded data of function arguments.

The function first encodes the payload and checks if the gas provided is sufficient. If the gas is less than 100,000, it reverts the transaction.

Then, the function calls the swap function of the Stargate Router, passing in the various parameters, including the payload. It uses all the contract's balance as the value for the swap operation.

After the swap operation, it calls the partnerSwap function of the Stargate Widget with a hardcoded parameter.

Finally, it emits the StargateSushiXSwapSrc event.


paramsStargateTeleportParamsStruct containing the parameters required by the Stargate.
actionsuint8[]An array with a sequence of actions to execute.
valuesuint256[]A one-to-one mapped array to actions. Represents native token amount to send along with action.
datasbytes[]A one-to-one mapped array to actions. Contains ABI encoded data of function arguments.


struct StargateTeleportParams {
uint16 dstChainId; // stargate dst chain id
address token; // token getting bridged
uint256 srcPoolId; // stargate src pool id
uint256 dstPoolId; // stargate dst pool id
uint256 amount; // amount to bridge
uint256 amountMin; // amount to bridge minimum
uint256 dustAmount; // native token to be received on dst chain
address receiver; // sushiXswap on dst chain
address to; // receiver bridge token incase of transaction reverts on dst chain
uint256 gas; // extra gas to be sent for dst chain operations
bytes32 srcContext; // random bytes32 as source context


  • If params.gas is less than 100,000, the function reverts with the message "InsufficientGas".
  • The function may also revert if the Stargate Router's swap operation fails.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.


This function emits the StargateSushiXSwapSrc event.

Functions called

This function calls the swap function of the Stargate Router and the partnerSwap function of the Stargate Widget. It also calls the balanceOf function of the ERC20 token specified in params.token.

Security Considerations

This function is marked as internal, which means it can only be called from within the contract or from contracts that inherit from this contract. It should be ensured that the parameters passed in the params struct are accurate and safe to use. The function uses all of the contract's balance for the swap operation, so it should be ensured that this is intended and safe. It also requires the contract to have a sufficient balance of the native token for the swap operation to succeed.